January 29, 2025

The beauty of The Brutalist: Lol Crawley, BSC

The Brutalist tells the story of László Tóth (Adrian Brody) a Hungarian-Jewish architect who survives the Holocaust and emigrates to the United States. He meets a wealthy industrialist, Harrison Lee Van Buren (Guy Pierce), who recognizes his talent, and commissions him to design a grand community center. The opportunity presents both a chance for redemption and a descent into a dangerous power dynamic.

Cinematographer Lol Crawley, BSC is currently nominated for an Academy Award for his stunning work on The Brutalist. He and director Brady Corbet chose to shoot on VistaVision, which uses 35mm film horizontally instead of vertically, significantly increasing the image area and resolution. Corbet was always interested in shooting on a larger format in order to capture the landscapes and architecture in the film. VistaVision proved to be a less expensive way to shoot on large format, especially since many rental companies were reluctant to rent their 65mm cameras to a modestly budgeted, independent feature. Lol knew fellow cinematographer Robbie Ryan had also used VistaVision for parts of Poor Things. He was able to use the same technicians Robbie used while The Brutalist shot in Budapest.

The choice of VistaVision was not just about technical specifications. For The Brutalist, set in the early late 1940s and early 1950s, Lol felt it was appropriate to use a camera and film stock that evoked the era. Even the photochemical process of film itself added a unique character. “What we have chosen to do with the Kodak stock is to abuse the stock slightly, to underexpose it, to push process it, to come up with a more painterly image or something that we feel depicts a certain era,” says Lol. “And we’ve found that by underexposing the stock and distressing the dye layers, then forcing the image back up, you’re dragging up colors within the shadows that we find to be very pleasing, interesting and more impressionistic or painterly image.”

One of the most striking sequences in The Brutalist is the opening scene, a single continuous take following László through a ship as he disembarks in America. Lol, who also operated the camera in most of the film, used a smaller handheld camera for the scene. To accentuate the disorientation as László gets off the boat, the editor decided to flip the images around. “The idea is supposed to be that he comes to America, and it’s a new hope,” says Lol. “But the fact that it’s untethered and disorientating and flipped on its head is a really ingenious way of representing that László’s time in the US is not going to be all he imagined.”

Lol’s approach to cinematography emphasizes a balance between documenting reality and fiction. “I’ve always thought that my cinematography was about responsiveness,” he says. “Cinematography is about light, camera movement, and composition. If I had to get rid of one or let one of those things go, it would be the lighting. What I like to do is to have one foot in documentary and one foot in fiction, and be open to respond. So I tend to shotlist less, I tend to storyboard less.” The cinematographer Christopher Doyle told him once, “In Western cinema, you say, ‘Here’s the frame, how do we fill it?’ In Asian cinema we say, ‘Here’s the world, how do I frame it?’”

You can see The Brutalist in theaters.

Find Lol Crawley: https://lolcrawley.com/
Instagram: @crawleylol

Sponsored by Hot Rod Cameras: https://hotrodcameras.com/
Sponsored by Aputure: https://aputure.com/

The Cinematography Podcast website: www.camnoir.com
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Blue Sky: @thecinepod.bsky.social

January 15, 2025

Jarin Blaschke: Crafting Darkness in Nosferatu

Nosferatu is a gothic tale of obsession, about a young woman, Ellen, who faces a terrifying supernatural entity after her husband travels to Transylvania to conduct business with the enigmatic Count Orlok. As Orlok arrives in her town, he brings a plague of death and terror, forcing Ellen to confront the monstrous vampire and the darkness within herself.

Cinematographer Jarin Blaschke wanted to create a visually distinct and unsettling experience for Nosferatu, drawing inspiration from F.W. Murnau’s 1922 classic, while developing his own unique look. Both he and director Robert Eggers chose a more romantic approach to the film, with a palette of blue and black. Shooting on film with candlelight and moonlight added to the haunting atmosphere. Jarin tested several lenses and the film scanning process to get the grain and color just right. He wanted Nosferatu to feel very composed and controlled. “If it feels claustrophobic, we lean into that,” he says. “How you pan, when you pan, what’s the feeling of it, and how you guide the camera operator to execute that pan, all contributes to the overall feeling.”

Jared has collaborated with Eggers on all of his films, beginning with the short film, The Tell Tale Heart, The Witch, The Lighthouse and The Northman. The two share a love of fairy tales and the golden age of illustration. As with most of their films, the two had several months to prep for Nosferatu. They talked through the scenes and shotlisted the movie, while Jarin drew small storyboard thumbnails as a draft for the storyboard artist. “I love the luxury of a long prep time,” says Jarin. “The ideas that you come up with over the course of four months, as opposed to four minutes, are much, much better, you know? Like if I’m just reacting to stuff in the moment, I’m going to go for the easiest thing. But if I have time to come up with an idea and think about how to surprise people, that’s a lot more fun.”

This meticulous approach extends to post-production, where Jarin even directed the lighting for visual effects. “I enjoy being an obsessive perfectionist,” he admits.

You can see Nosferatu in theaters and on VOD January 21.

Find Jarin Blaschke: https://www.luxartists.net/artists/jarin-blaschke
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/18192666@N00/

Sponsored by Hot Rod Cameras: https://hotrodcameras.com/
Sponsored by ARRI: https://www.arri.com/en

The Cinematography Podcast website: www.camnoir.com
YouTube: @TheCinematographyPodcast
Facebook: @cinepod
Instagram: @thecinepod
Blue Sky: @thecinepod.bsky.social