The Cinematography Podcast Episode 44

Director and Cinematographer Ellen Kuras, ASC

Ellen Kuras believes that following your gut and listening to your inner voice makes you a great filmmaker. Ellen got her start shooting documentary and indy movies such as “Swoon,” “I Shot Andy Warhol” and “Personal Velocity,” plus several films with Spike Lee including “Bamboozled” and “Summer of Sam.” She discusses working with Michel Gondry, the unique challenges of shooting “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” working with documentarian Errol Morris on “Wormwood” and shooting the Netflix series “Ozark.” Ellen also directed and shot her documentary “The Betrayal-Nerakhoon,” which received an Academy Award nomination. Her current work includes directing some episodes of Hulu’s “Catch-22” and directing the Netflix series “Umbrella Academy.”

Find Ellen Kuras on IMDB and Wikipedia.

Episode Sponsors:
Hot Rod Cameras


Illya’s short end: Illya went to the press unveiling of the Panasonic Lumix S1H, a 6k 24p mirrorless full frame camera. Pre-order yours from Hot Rod Cameras.

Ben’s short end: Ben shot the D23 Expo and used the Adobe Prelude Live Logger application on an iPad to type in and log the timecode and metadata for editors as the camera shoots.

Podcast Credits:

Editor in Chief:  Illya Friedman
@hotrodcameras instagram
@illyafriedman instagram

Ben Rock:  @neptunesalad twitter
@bejamin_rock instagram

Producer: Alana Kode
Editor: Ben Katz
Composer: Kays Alatractchi

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